Trunk Club

Trunk Club is an innovative and customer-focused startup in Chicago, providing hand-selected clothing for men, shipped free to their door. I spent six months working as a product design consultant within Trunk Club focusing on three major projects: the iOS app, optimization of new customer acquisition, and

Trunk Club Featured Items

Trunk Club Featured Items

One project I worked on at Trunk Club was a curated set of featured items within the iOS app. Our main goal was to drive more engagement with the app. We were sitting on really strong collection of content from the blog, and we were able to leverage those assets to create a new entry point into requesting a trunk.

Trunk Club app

Another area of focus for me was to introduce the concept of "outfits" to the iOS app. Up until that point, all of the interactions revolved around individual items. We saw an opportunity to create value by showing guys how different items could be worn together, which turned out to be a great way to drive more trunk requests as well.

Trunk Club website

Trunk Club website

Trunk Club website

I also worked on a number of marketing-focused projects, including a redesign of the public website. Working with the rest of the creative team of photographers and writers, I designed a new version of that better expreseed the personality of the company.

Trunk Club onboarding

Trunk Club onboarding

Trunk Club onboarding

In order to improve the onboarding for new users of, we A/B tested multiple variations of various parts of the funnel. Shown above is a sample of variants from the trunk request flow, where guys indicate their overall budget. Over time we were able to significatly increase the conversion rate, item retention, and repeat trunk requests.