At a time when they were the leading Android device maker, HTC was releasing dozens of devices per year and needed to keep their salespeople well informed. To stand out among the competition, we were commissioned to design a best-in-class online training portal.

UX Design, Competitive Research


The homepage of the portal provided a customizable experience for each user, letting each sales rep create their own mashup of HTC content, training updates, and 3rd party content from technology sites around the web.

The sales person can’t be expected to complete all of their training in a single session, so we designed a framework to track their progress over time. As they consume content and complete milestones, their training progress reflects that.

A federated search module lets users search across the entire site. The results would be broken down in multiple ways – by device, or by section of the site.

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Because their time is valuable and limited, we wanted to make sure we were delivering the key information to the sales rep as efficiently as possible. So rather than assume they would read all of the possible material, we instead delivered the 4 key takeaways for each device.

And because software is always changing, and nobody knows how to sell a device better than a rep, we wanted to give them a community space where they could communicate with each other. By contributing to the discussion, reps can earn points and access to additional features.

A motion prototype of the mobile experience, intended to be used on the sales floor itself.