Obama for America

As one of the highest trafficked websites on the internet, served simultaneously as the messaging outlet, fundraising platform, and public face of the entire camapaign. I was lucky to be one person among dozens who were responsible for this incredibly important product.


Built as a fully responsive website, the first of it’s kind in politics, the campaign’s website was constantly iterated on from it’s launch in December 2011 through Election Day 2012. Our main goal was to represent the President in an accurate and positive light, giving our supporters and potential supporters a way to interface with the campaign.

We did this through our Digital Team, the largest and best in history, producing incredible amounts of content, and engaging on every platform available to us. It was a true honor to represent the President in this way, and to continually push the envelope alongside the most talented people I’ve ever worked with.


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Issue pages were some of our most popular pages. We used that as an opportunity to rethink the way we talked about our platform. Instead of a standard text-heavy template, we instead leveraged our interactive assets and went with a more visual and narrative-driven approach.

One of those assets was our “interactive jobs chart,” perhaps the most recognizable symbol of the recent economic recovery. Along with frontend developer Matt Gipp, we created a fully respsonsive jobs chart, highlighting key economic milestones through the administration’s first term.


The Quick Donate program allowed our supporters to contribute to the campaign whenever was most convenient to them, without needing to fill out extensive forms or navigate to the campaign website.

By saving their payment information with the campaign we were able to present these branded, tactile buttons to them in various places, and process their donations with a single click.


By encapsulating the donation experience into a very small area, we were able to handle all potential success and error cases, along with the ability to change your donation amount (not pictured).


The buttons were available to embed on users’ personal websites, in both large and small formats depending on the context they wanted to the use them in.